Thursday, November 26, 2015

A Short History of Asia-Africa Conference

End of World War II in August 1945, does not mean the end to the animosity between the nations of the world and to create peace and security. It turns out in some parts of the world, especially hemisphere Asia and Africa, there are still problems and new problems arise that lead to new problems that lead to hostility continued, even at the level of open war, like in the peninsula of Korea, Indo China, Palestine, South Africa, Africa North.

The problems are partly due to the birth of two blocks of opposing forces in ideology and interests, namely the West Block and Block Timur.Blok West led by the United States and Eastern bloc led by the Soviet Union. Each block to draw the countries of Asia and Africa to be their supporters. It mengakibatnkan the survival and growth of even a veiled atmosphere of hostility between the two blocks and supporters. The hostility atmosphere known as the "Cold War".

The emergence of world upheaval caused also the persistence of the occupation in our world, especially in parts of Asia and Africa. Indeed, before 1945, in general, the world Asia and Africa is an area colonized Western nations in various forms. But since 1945, many areas of Asia Africa became an independent country and many are still struggling for the independence of their country and nation such as Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco in North Africa; Vietnam in Indo China; and at the southern tip of Africa. Some Asian and African countries that have been independent were still many who face problems like the rest of the Indonesian occupation of West Irian, India and Pakistan have been displaced because their land was forcibly occupied by Israeli forces in aid by the United States.

While the nations of the world, particularly the nations of Asia and Africa, was hit by fears of further development of nuclear weapon that could destroy humanity. The situation in several Asian and African countries that have been independent and still conflicts between communities as a result of the colonial period (political divide et impera) and the cold war between the world block.

Although at that time had no international body that is the United Nations (UN), which serves to handle the world's problems, but in fact this body has not managed to resolve the issue. While the fact, akibtan posed by these problems, mostly suffered by the nations of Asia and Africa.

A state that is behind the birth of the idea to hold a conference.


The Indonesian government statement on foreign policy delivered by the Prime Minister Mr.Ali Sastroamidjojo, in front of the Parliament on August 25, 1953, stating;

"Cooperation in the class of Arab Asian countries (Africa) we think are important right, because we believe that the close cooperation of these countries will certainly strengthen efforts towards lasting world peace. Cooperation between countries of Asia and Africa are true according to the rules of the United Nations (UN), which enjoys regional cooperation (regional arrangements). Another of the countries it generally does have similar stances in some matter in the international field, so it has the same base (commonground) to hold a special class. The cause of such cooperation we will continue and strengthen ".

The statement reflected the ideas and the will of the Government of Indonesia to strengthen cooperation among the countries of Asia and Africa.

In early 1954, the Prime Minister of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Sir John Kotelawala invited the Prime Minister of Burma (U Nu), India (Jawaharlal Nehru), Indonesia (Sastroamidjojo), and Pakistan (Mohammed Ali) to hold an informal meeting in country. The invitation was well received by all the countries invited government leaders.

The meeting was later called the Colombo Conference was held on April 28 to May 2, 1954. This conference discussed matters of common interest.

Which attracted the attention of the conference participants, including the statement submitted by the Prime Minister of Indonesia:

"Where do we stand now, we the peoples of Asia, in this world of ours to day?" ("Where are we now stand, the Asian nation was in the midst of global competition?"), Then the statement is answered himself by stating :

"We have noe indeed at the cross-roads of the historyof mankind. It is therefore that we Prime Ministers of five Asian countries are meeting here to discuss crucial Reviews those problems whice urge Indonesia to propose that another conference be convened wide3r in scope, between the African and Asian Nations. I am convined that the problems are not only convened to the Asian countries Also represented here but are of equal importance to the African and other Asian countries. "

(We are now at a crossroads sejatah humanity. Therefore we Lima Prime Minister Asian countries met here to discuss issues crucial being faced by the people that we represent. There are some things that urge Indonesia to propose to hold meetings Another wider, between the countries of Africa and Asia. I believe that the problems that occur not only in the Asian countries that are represented here, but it is also equally important for the countries of Africa and Asia ").

That statement gave way to the birth of the Asian-African Conference.

Furthermore, about the need for Asian-African Conference was held, also proposed by Indonesia in the next session. The proposal was eventually accepted by all the conferences, although still in an atmosphere of doubt.

Prime Minister of Indonesia went to Colombo at the invitation of Prime Minister of Sri Lanka to bring the materials of the formulation of the Government of Indonesia. The materials are the result of official meeting of Heads of Indonesian Representative in the countries of Asia and Africa, led by Foreign Minister Mr.Sunario. The official meeting was held at the monument (Bogor) on 9 Until March 22, 1954.

Finally, in a joint statement at the end of the Colombo Conference, it was stated that the Prime Minister mkembicarakan conference participants will hold a conference for Asian and African countries and approved the Prime Minister's suggestion that Indonesia can track up to where the possibility to hold such a conference.


Colombo Conference, Indonesia has commissioned to explore the possibility of holding the conference. In order to fulfill that task to approach the Indonesian Government through diplomatic channels to the 18 Asian and African countries. That is, to determine the extent to which the opinion of these countries terhada idea of ​​holding the conference. In this approach konferense dijelasakan that the main purpose was to discuss the common interests of the nations of Asia Africa at the time, encouraging the creation of world peace, and promote Indonesia as a conference venue. It turns out in general the countries contacted welcomed the idea and agreed Indonesia as the host, although in terms of time and the conference participants there are many different opinions.

On August 18, 1954, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India, through a letter, reminding the Prime Minister of Indonesia on the development of today's world situation worsening, with respect to the idea of ​​an Asian-African Conference. Indeed, the Prime Minister of India welcomed the proposal is accompanied by doubt will succeed whether or not the proposal is implemented. Right after the visit of Prime Minister of Indonesia on 25 September 1954, he was confident of the importance of the conference, as reflected in the joint statement at the end of the prime minister visits Indonesia:

"The prime reprensentatives Discussed Also the proposal to have a conference of representatives of Asians and African countries and were agreed that a conference of this kind was desirble and world be helpfull in promoting. Is should be held at an early date ".

("The Prime Minister has discussed the proposal to hold a conference representing the countries of Asia and Africa as well as approve the conference like this is needed and will help the peace process once a common approach towards the problem (faced). It should be held as soon as possible" ).

Similar confidence is expressed also by the Burmese Prime Minister U Nu on 28 September 1954.

Thus, the efforts of an investigation into the possibility of Asian-African Conference was considered complete and successful The next step was to prepare the implementation of the conference.

At the invitation of Prime Minister of Indonesia, the prime minister participants of the Colombo Conference (Burma, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan) Conference held in Bogor on 28 and December 29, 1954, known as the Five Country Conference. The conference is to discuss the preparation for the Asian-African Conference.

Bogor conference succeeded in formulating an agreement that the Asian-African Conference held on the implementation of the five countries together and the conference participants into a state sponsor. Invitations to the participating countries were sent by Indonesia on behalf of the five countries.


Bogor Conference produced 4 main objectives Asian-African Conference, namely:

1. To promote goodwill (will sublime) and cooperation among the peoples of Asia and Africa, to roam and promote their interests, either successive or replace the joint, as well as to create and promote friendship and transportation as a good neighbor.

2. To consider the matters and relations in the field of social, economic, and cultural represented State.

3. To consider the questions in the form of a special interest of the peoples of Asia and Africa, for example, the problems concerning national sovereignty and of the problems of racism and colonialism.

4. To review the position of Asia and Africa, as well as people-people in dunis today and the contribution they can make to promote peace and cooperation in the world.


Countries invited approved totaling 25 negara.yaitu: Afghanistan, Cambodia, Central African Federation, People's Republic of China (China), Egypt, Ethiopia, the Gold Coast (Gold Coast), Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Nepal, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Thailand (Muang thai), Turkey, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam), South Vietnam, and Yemen. Conference time is set at the last week of April 1995.

Given the countries that will be invited to have a foreign policy as well as political and social system different Bogor beda.Konferensi determines that received an invitation to participate in the Asian-African conference participants does not mean that the State is changed or considered changing stance on the status of-state lain.Konferensi countries also upheld the principle that the form of government or way of life of a country once in a while will not be interfered by the main lain.Maksud state conference is that the participating countries are becoming more aware each other their respective establishments


Building Pension Fund is prepared as the sessions of the Conference. Homann Hotel, Hotel Preanger, and 12 (twelve) other hotels, private and governmental housing were also prepared as overnight guests for 1300.

For transportation, 143 cars, 30 taxis, 20 buses, 230 drivers and 350 tons of gasoline per day and reserves of 175 tons of gasoline.

While examining the final preparations in Bandung on April 17, 1955, President Soekarno inaugurated renaming Concordia to Gedung Merdeka Building, Building Pension Fund be Dwi House Colors, and partly Highway East into Jalan Asia Afrika. The change of name is intended to further enliven the conference and create an atmosphere that conference accordance with the objectives of the conference.

On January 15, 1955, the invitation letter sent to the Asian-African Conference of Heads of Government of 25 (twenty five) countries of Asia and Africa. From across the country were invited to only one country which rejected the invitation, namely the Federation of Central Africa (Central African Federation), since the country was still occupied by the colonialist. While the 24 (twenty-four) countries accept the invitation, even though at first there are countries that are still undecided. Most delegates arriving at the conference of Bandung via Jakarta on April 16 of 1955.

In the past the closing communique stated that the Asian-African Conference recommends five countries suggested that the organizers consider to be held the next meeting of the conference, to ask the opinion of other countries pesreta. But the effort to hold a second Asian-African Conference sesalu experiencing a difficult obstacle to overcome. When the effort was almost realized (1964), suddenly in the host country (Algeria) a change of government, so that the conference was finished.

Asian-African Conference in Bandung, has managed to foster unity and cooperation among the countries of Asia and Africa, both in dealing with international issues and problems regiobal. Similar conferences for certain circles in Asia and Africa some lkali also held, such as the Asian-African Journalists Conference, the Islamic Conference Asia Africa, Asia Author conferences Africa, and Asia-Africa Students Conference.

Asian-African Conference was fired up and add strength to the morale of the fighters Asian nations da Africa were at that time fighting for independence of their homeland, so that then was born a number of independent states of Asia and the African continent. All that indicates that ciat ideal and the spirit of Bandung Dasa Siala increasingly penetrate into the body of nations Aia and Africa.

Bandung soul with Dasa principle, have changed the world view of international relations. Bandung has given birth to the Third World ideology or "Non-Aligned" on his first world both Washington and Moscow World Java Bandung has changed the structure of the United Nations (UN). UN forum is no longer the exclusive forum of West and East.

In closing this brief description, the last part of the closing remarks quoted Chairman of the Conference of African Asuia as follows: "May we continue on the way we have taken together and the Bandung Conference may stay as a Beacom guiding the future progress of Asia and Africa"

("Hopefully we can continue our journey on the road we have chosen together and hopefully this Bandung Conference remains upright as a beacon guiding the future progress of Asia and Africa")

Asian-African Conference in Bandung convened from 18 to 24 April 1955 at the invitation of the Prime Ministers of Burma, Ceylon, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan. Unless state sponsors, the conference was also attended by 24 countries as follows:

        People's Republic of China
        Gold Coast
        Saudi Arabia
        The Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam
        South Viet-nam

Asian-African Conference to discuss issues of concern and mutual interest of countries of Asia and Africa and discuss ways and efforts so that the people that they can achieve economic cooperation, culture, and politics more closely.


Asian-African Conference expressed confidence, that the harmony of cooperation in accordance with these principles will contribute effecfive for the maintenance and enhancement of international peace and security, is working in the field of economic, social and culture will help create well-being and prosperity of all.

Asian-African Conference recommended that the five state sponsors of thinking about the organization of the next conference, in consultation with the participating countries.

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